
The Head Teacher is responsible for the day-to-day education and direction of the school, while the Governors are involved in the longer term policy decisions.

The Governors have responsibility for the buildings, appointment of staff, organisation and admissions policy, conduct of the school and the school budget.

The Governing Body is a group of people, elected or nominated, who have the welfare of the school and its children at heart. The Governors accept the North Yorkshire County Council Curriculum Statement. There are no Associate Members on the Governing Body.

Full Governor Meetings are held at least once each term.

The Governor Sub-Committees are:
  • Finance
  • Complaints Review
  • Learning, Teaching and Curriculum 
 Governor Information
* Relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern
** Relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives 
Name Category Appointed By Term in Office
Committees Currently
Serving on
Positions of Responsibility Business Interests * Relationships **
Mr A Russell Staff Governor N/A N/A Finance & Learning; Teaching & Curriculum Headteacher None None
Miss C Williams Staff Governor Staff 25.5.2023 to 25.5.2027         
Mr G Dixon Co-opted Governor Governing Body 12.02.2022  to 11.02.2026
 Sports Premium Link;Health & Safety
None None
Mr R Brown Co-opted Governor Governing Body 
to 10.02.2025 
 Finance Pupil Premium  None  None 
Vacancy Co-opted Governor Governing Body          
J Smith
Co-opted Governor Governing Body
01.10.2020 to 
Safeguarding  DDSL, Parish Council  & SEND Link Husband is Sales Director for Hachette Ltd. Named school for Friends and Family discount None
Mrs S Broome Co-opted Governor Governing Body 25.5.2023 to 25.5.2027 TBC Governor Training None  None 
Ms L Stanworth Parent Governor Parents  05.3.24 - 05.03.28  TBC      
Mrs S Lockwood 
Parents 11.3.2023 to 10.3.2026  Finance Committee & Parent Forum       
Mr R Hemingway  Co-opted Governor  Governing Body  16.3.2023 to 15.3.2023
 Learning, Teaching & Curriculum; 
Chair of Governors; Parish Council Link  None Related to a member of staff 
Ms J Shally Co-opted Governor Governing Body
13.03.2020 to
 Learning, Teaching & Curriculum; Performance Management
   None None 
Mrs J Webdale
Governing Body 16.3.23 to 15.3.27      None   None
Vacancy Local Authority Local Authority          
Previous Governors
Name Category Appointed by Term
Mrs J Clark Parent Parents 24.2.20 to 8.3.2022
Mr N Taylor Parent Parents 05.10.2018 to 30.11.2021
Mrs A Harrison Parent Parents 05.07.2017 to 04.07.2021
Dr J Spindler Co-opted Governing Body 10.11.2016 to 9.11.2020 
Mr A D'Arcy Co-opted Governing Body 15.12.2017 to 31.07.2020
Mrs M Mounfield Staff Staff 21.11.2018 to 20.11.2022