
ANY PARENT WISHING to enrol their child(ren) at the school is welcome to call by arrangement with the Headteacher.  On their first visit to the school, parents will be shown round and, if possible introduced to their child’s teacher. The general organisation of the school, curriculum and teaching methods can be discussed at this time.

The school serves North Duffield and Skipwith with children in the normal catchment area having first priority on places at the school. Parents of children living outside the catchment area may express a preference for their child(ren) to attend this school, but such requests will be considered only when places have been allocated to children living in the area served by the school. Our maximum admission limit is 25 per year group.

Children who are aged 5 between September 1 and August 31 can start school in the autumn term. (The dates of our terms will be shown separately on the website, as they change each year). Parents have the choice of part-time admission to the school.

Children are invited to visit their Secondary school before starting there. This will be arranged by us in the form of a full day spent at their new school during their final term here.

The school is divided into five classes. Each class caters for more than one age of child, but by using the National Curriculum we are able to cater for all ages and most abilities.

All admissions are the responsibility of the County Council, they will decide whether your child is admitted to North Duffield Community Primary School.